
Would you like to get in touch with Whimsical Ewe? Here are a few ways to reach me:

  • Comment on a post (I’ll do my best to respond in a timely manner!)
  • Visit the Whimsical Ewe booth in June at Black Sheep Gathering, or September at Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival.  We aim to attend these 2 largest shows annually (fingers crossed).  Occasionally we pop up at other regional spin-ins or small festivals, but those are case by case and will be posted on the Calendar page.
  • Or send an email to
  • Thank you and I look forward to reading your comments and answering your questions.

7 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Am being a mighty good friend and giving my sheep spinning bag up. Would very much like to purchase another if possible (Teeswater swinging). Any chance of ordering one? Many thanks, Jennifer Nightingale

    • Golly, I’m feeling guilty for my long sabbatical absence, and now returning to blog to find multiple unanswered inquiries.

      What a generous soul, to relinquish a Swinging Sheep bag made with precious, pearly Teeswater locks. I LOVE that wool with great intensity. I can imagine your desire to replace it.

      Alas, I don’t pursue mail orders. However, our next show looms closer: it’s Black Sheep Gathering 2016, held June 24, 25, 7 26 in Eugene, OR. Look for our bright green booth in the main hall, by the Spinners Circle.

      When not browsing computer this way, I am hard at work to build inventory for the show, and bring as many Swinging Sheep Bags as possible. they are wildly popular, but very time-consuming as they combine multiple techniques:
      > Wet felting
      > Needle felting (dry method)
      > Sewing

      And Teeswater is not only precious to obtain, but those gorgeous locks are rather slippery, so extra care is taken during needle felting to best anchor the curls.

      The pretty results are worth it and then the bags just……..dissapear! Whoosh!

  2. I would so love to find you at a gathering, but alas, the trek from Texas to Oregon is not feasible for me. My husband has been asking me repeatedly what I want for my 35th anniversary gift and I told him that my heart’s desire is a Swinging Sheep bag to put on my little folding handmade spinning wheel.

  3. Wonder how much just the plain brown tree stump wood be or if you would have a guide as to how to make one – think when I make my barn owl he will look great sat on one

    • Hello Emma. Help me out? I’m a bit puzzled what on my blog your comments relate to, because it’s here on comment page and not appearing under a specific blog article. Granted, I’m out of practice here because …. well, Covid. So nothing much happening anywhere in the realm of fiber festivals or blog entries for that matter. I oughta play catch up; it’s high time, 2+ yrs into Covid and things seem somewhat improved. I’m all vaccinated & boosted. Spring is here and the new craft rooms beckons me to resume needle felting again. /// I’m going to take a guess at your inquiry and say that stores such as Craft Warehouse or Hobby Lobby typically have pretty good wood slice offerings, and some look quite naturally rustic. That or have at pruning in your yard – or scavenge a neighbors prunings for likely branches to cut to preferred size. Sand a flat area to stand securely on a table. I hope that helps you create a perch for your barn owl.

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